Diploma in Plant Science

Diploma in agriculture program aims to produce mid-level agriculture/veterinary technicians to fulfill the demand of nation and agro-veterinary technology transformation to the farmers.

Diploma in Agriculture is three year program which is a hands on three year program which prepares students to manage a farm or work in an agricultural business. Courses cover everything from agricultural production to marketing and business management. Students will develop the communication and leadership skills needed to thrive in the industry whether in marketing and financial services, livestock and crop supply, crop management, agricultural merchandising, or managing a farm.

CTEVT has been conducting annex program in most of the high schools and currently, Nepal Government is going to launch plus 2 levels for agro-vet technicians in academically potential high schools from class 9. For effective running these programs, agro-vet technicians are highly encouraged and demanded.

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The aim of this course is to produce mid-level human resources equipped with knowledge and skills in agriculture and allied subjects.


  • Provide technical knowledge and skills in different aspects of agriculture, horticulture and plant protection with community development and entrepreneurship
  • Produce quality human resources to provide technical and managerial services in public and private agriculture sector
  • Develop competency in agriculture related enterprises
  • Provide extensive field based experiences to meet specific and growing needs of different agriculture and horticulture stakeholders


Secured at least grade C in any two subjects i.e. Compulsory Mathematics, Compulsory Science or English and D+ in the remaining subject in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution.


The entry criteria are:

  • School Leaving Certificate (SLC) with second division.
  • Entrance examination will be organized to test the entry qualification of students, which will be administered by the CTEVT.
  • Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list. Student quota for different categories should be fixed as per CTEVT policies.

Candidates will submit the following documents at the time of application:

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  • SLC passed certificate
  • Character certificate
  • Citizenship certificate (only for the verification of students name, parent’s name, age, date of birth and address)


Potential fields are available for veterinary clinical practice. Employment opportunity will be seen in GON, NARC, INGO/NGO, commercial bank/development bank viz, Nepal bank, ADB/N and abroad


  • Crop Farmers
  • Pig and Poultry Farmers
  • Foresters and Forestry Technicians
  • Veterinary Technologists and Technicians
  • Wildlife Technicians
  • Dairy Farmers